RC Photo Club, Inc.

Welcome to the Rancho Cucamonga Photography Club

RC Photo Club, Inc. - Welcome to the Rancho Cucamonga Photography Club

S4C Competition

Photographic Society of America
Southern California Council
of Camera Clubs

The RC Photo Club is enrolled in the Southern California Council of Camera Clubs.  Our members are encouraged to enter their images for competition against other clubs in the area.


View or download our S4C General Instructions, Guidelines, and Tips  (view at a higher magnification for a clearer image) for acquiring a UEN number, then read the rules, guidelines, and “Definitions” for each Section at the S4C WEBSITE before you upload your photo files.

THE S4C WEBSITE HAS A DIFFERENT LOOK, but you should be able to maneuver to where you need to go.  If you have any questions, email us at the address below.

IMPORTANT:  Some of the Category rules have changed.  See the Annual Changes page.

Questions?  Email Anthony at presidentofrcpc@gmail.com.